The eccentric Flemish painter stands with palette and brush in hand, intently working on a large portrait of Flora, goddess of spring. To clean his brush, he just wipes it off on his velvet robes.

Media: Head, hands and feet of Super Sculpey, on a wire armature, with a cloth body. He has curly auburn mohair. Wearing brown stockings, brown leather shoes and brown velveteen pants. He wears a white cotton shirt gathered at the neck, and ruffled at the wrists. His tunic is of wine and black brocade with wine & gold trim. He wears a fringed wine red sash. His coat is of variegated brown velour with gold and black edging and a black fur collar. Hit hat is black velvet with gold trim.
Props: The painting of "Saskia as Flora" was painted by Marianne, using a fine brush and the palette Rembrandt holds in his left hand. His brushes are handmade from toothpicks and mohair.
Height: 46 cm (18")