Fergus & the Magic Frog
Happening upon the legendary Magic Frog meditating deep in the forest, Fergus, unable to resist disturbing him, climbs up on a nearby mushroom and dangles a captive bug overhead.

Media: Figure head, hands and feet of Super Sculpey, on a wire armature, with a cloth body. He has brown mohair protruding from his green tartan tam. Wearing socks, leather shoes, green tartan pants, a rust cotton shirt and a dark green vest with green trim and gold beads.
Props: He is holding a handmade bug. The large mushroom is made of Paperclay over a wire and aluminum foil armature. It is painted with acrylics and has rolled oats glued on for texture. The frog is Super Sculpey over a wire and aluminum foil armature. he has cloth wings. Frog and wings are painted with acrylics. The smaller mushrooms are purchased.
Height: 31 cm (12")