Second in a series representing the four seasons, Spring , dressed in fresh new greens and budding flowers, holds a nest with robin eggs.

Media: Head, hands and feet of Super Sculpey, on a wire armature, with a cloth body. She has frizzy red mohair tied with green yarns and bunches of baby's breath. She has a gold lame underskirt. Her skirt is pale green lace with a darker green edge, embroidered with tiny fabric flowers, sequins and beads. Over the lace skirt she has long winding shreds of green cheesecloth, and green brocade panels embroidered with fabric leaves, flowers and beads/ Her bodice is green brocade matching the skirt panels and is embellished with embroidery, leaves and beads. Her upper sleeves match the skirt panels, and her lower sleeves match her lace skirt.
Props: In her hands she holds a handmade bird nest with blue Sculpey eggs and a robin.
Height: 43 cm