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The Pied Piper

"Before he had played three lingering notes a most sinister sound began to rise from the ground like the rumblings of some vast crowd, but as it rose louder and louder innumerable rats came scudding into the streets and followed the Piper as he played his magical tune."

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Media: Head and hands made of Super Sculpey, on a wire armature with a cloth body. Painted green eyes. Dressed in parti-coloured outfit in red, gold, and gray.

Props: His pipe is made from Super Sculpey and wood. He is covered in rats made of painted Super Sculpey & wire.

Height: 52 cm (20 1/2")

August 1991

This website designed and maintained by Marianne Reitsma
All informaion and pictures on this site are copyrighted materials owned by MarthaBoers