By the late 1980's, Martha had become quite proficient at costuming dolls and was feeling frustrated by the need to create more realistic adult figures to better show off the beautiful fantasy gowns and historical outfits. She began experimenting with Super Sculpey and was quite pleased with the results. Her sister Marianne also tried sculpting, and by 1993 the two of them decided to go into business together; Marianne doing all the doll sculpting, and Martha completing the dolls, focusing on the costumes which were her true love.

Several years later, in 1999, the two sisters turned to gnomes and other wee folk in an attempt to reignite a new creative spark in their doll making, and Martha did she go back to sculpting some of her own figures again. Recently, Martha has returned to her original love - elaborately costumed historical and fantasy figures. The new figures are a solo endeavor with Martha doing everything herself, in her own unique style.

This gallery showcases Martha's sculpted dolls, from her very first attempts at sculpting with polymer clay, to her more recent Paperclay works. Dolls made during the years that she worked with her sister, can be seen in the separate "Martha and Marianne" gallery.

Select any photo to see more about each doll.

This website designed and maintained by Marianne Reitsma
All informaion and pictures on this site are copyrighted materials owned by Martha Boers